Fabien Ghys
Excellence Resumes
Singapor - Septembre 2016 - I had the privilege of crossing paths with Bernard in October 2016. Bernard is a highly focused, very experienced, independent and ambitious hospitality leader who's always ready to put all the necessary energy and stamina to get the job done. Well educated and energetic, Bernard is an outstanding communicator too. I truly enjoyed discussing with him. He is able to work in a fast-paced environment without any issue. Bernard is probably one of the best Senior Hospitality Management Executives I have ever met in my life and one of the smartest professionals I have ever known. I would recommend to any company aiming to bring its business to the next level to consider Bernard as an evident partner. Get in touch with him and you'll definitely agree with me!

King Thaung
Best Western
Myanmar - August 2015 : The trainer meeting was useful to help us and my own management style, unfortunate was not enough time. Thanks Mr Bernard for your kindness and great knowledges in this topics. Wish to have other training with you in the future.

Alejandro Ortiz
Mexico - Junio 2005 : El reto para nuestra empresa era de trabajar juntos y en un medio ambiente agradable. Durante estos días de junta fuimos al fondo de cada uno y también de nuestro trabajo al día. Hemos visto que hay posibilidad de trabajar de otra manera. con nuestros equipo. Gracias Bernard por tu tiempo, por el conocimiento que nos ha transmitido et el espíritu de equipo que has construido con cada de uno.

Kerstin E.
Paris – May 2012 : The training given by Bernard was great and helpful for the supervisor team. For myself it was helpful after because I receive a lot of advice and tools to work with the different department. Thanks for your time and knowledges shared.

Dulces Torres
Coca Cola
Mexico - Julio 2005 : Fue un aventura estupenda. El facto de ser juntos con los directivos durante 3 días por un trabajo de equipe fue increíble. Hemos aprendido mucho sobre nuestros colegas y también sobre nosotros mismo. El Señor Bernard tienes muchas paciencias para ensenarnos los valores de nuestra empresa. Muchas gracias por su tiempo, llegue a casa llena de onda positiva.